
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Posole Night

Well, I took a mini-vacation from the computer the last couple days which was nice. Sometimes, it just seems like I need a break from the constant electronics everywhere. Anyways, we had a nice evening today. Made a huge pot of posole, a Hispanic soup (recipe was from the most recent Bon Appetit magazine). Probably not the most authentic but it was delicious, warm and filling. After, Joe made a fire, we got to relax and catch up with friends and have a nice cup of tea!

Found the Jarritos for 30 cents each at Safeway! I like mine mixed 1/2 and 1/2 with sparkling water. Such fun colors!

The last two pictures are of my clean kitchen and newly painted frame and Katie Daisy art! I've been admiring all her lovely art on pinterest for a while now. Last week, I found a box of her greeting cards at TJ Maxx and immediately knew I was going to frame one of the mini versions for my house! Love how it turned out!

It's CLEAN!! = super happy!! (and this is not just a picture of the clean part... the whole kitchen, dining room and living room are clean!)
P.S. A big thank you to Mark and Rachel for helping with the kitchen after dinner!


  1. Looks like a fun night! Wish I could have tasted that food. I want to see pics of your new scale!!!

  2. Loved the Posole-thanks so much!! :) And love your sunshine pic and frame.. darling!

  3. I love it all! That frame and quote are perfect! It is so fun to have things clean. Yeah!!!


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