
Tuesday, October 09, 2012


I finished working a five day stretch. The good news is I think they are finally going to change my schedule. Which means only two more long stretches and I can kiss working five twelves in a row good-bye! That is super exciting for me! 

Also I've been
... trying to squeeze in as much fall stuff as I can before winter gets here.
... drinking hot tea, hot coffee, and fresh apple cider from Greenbluff.
... to Walter's to pick out a pumpkin.
... taking walks in the park.
... watching all the poor kids running their cross country races accross the street at the park.
... putting Cholula Chili Lime on everything.
... to visit Joe at work and hung out in the shop.
... making lots of chocolate chip cookies for the college kids.
... dreaming about finishing some projects.
... hanging out my cat, he's been around more since it's getting cold outside.
... excited about my "Mister Malcolm" book that finally showed up!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad your schedule may change! I want you to live! :-). Fall is such a lovely season. Enjoy!


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